Ayurvedic Treatment for Disc Prolapsed

Ayurveda offers a very tangible alternative that works in almost any case of a prolapsed or slipped disc. Ayurvedic medications comprising herbal decoctions, tablets, capsules, and oils for external application are very effective in providing relief in patients with mild to moderate problems. Persons with chronic problems and those with severe intensity of symptoms would require Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga (Medicated Oil applications and massages), Swedana (Sudation therapy), Shodana therapies (detoxification) using Vasthi in the case of back pain-related problems, and Nasyam in the case of neck related problems. These therapies are used to heal the nerves affected by the herniated disc and to relieve the muscular spasm as well.
As per Ayurveda, the conditions which can result in back pain include the external traumatic factor which is abhighataja and the internal factor which is a ninja. Joints are sites of sleshaka sleshma (Kapha) and the lower back (kati) is a vata-specific site. According to Ayurveda, intervertebral disc prolapse problems occur at three levels. Mamsa dhatu, majja dhatu, and asthi dhatu are the three different tissue levels. Mamsa means muscles; this means bones, and majja means everything present in the bones.



Why SLN Hospital?

Treatment For Disc Prolapsed In SLN Hospital

Our experienced team, SLN Hospital, offers effective Ayurvedic treatment through a complete range of Ayurvedic medicines and therapies. We also integrate physiotherapy and yoga thereby helping to provide comprehensive healing for patients suffering from disc prolapse.
The treatment given by SLN Hospital provides a unique advantage to its patients. These treatments help the patients avoid surgery, are safe and effective for the patient, and are natural and holistic. In addition, through these treatments, a patient can avoid the chance of a recurrence of the condition.