Sciatica is known as Gridhrasi in Ayurveda. (Gridhra means Eagle), as the gait of the affected person can resemble that of an eagle’s walk and the inflamed nerve appears like an eagle’s beak. Sciatica is typical of Vata imbalances.
Ayurveda stands as a better alternative to surgery for Sciatica.
Ayurvedic therapies are carried out as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammation and underlying causes of Sciatica; relieving the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area; and strengthening and nourishing the entire spine & supporting tissues. Usually, the treatment period is 4 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease.
Why is this better and safe than any other treatment?
When pain starts radiating in the lower limb due to spinal nerve root compression. This is the condition – Sciatica. Then starts the search for sciatica treatment without surgery. Ayurveda is the most promising and only system of medicine where we get sciatica treatment without surgery. Sciatica is “Grudhrusi” in Ayurveda and treatment goes according to the causes. Because until unless we don’t know about the cause of the problem, it is next to impossible to ensure the treatment of the condition. We have better results in sciatica treatment without surgery and that is possible because of an approach-based treatment.
Benefits of Ayurveda treatments of Sciatica over other treatments:-
The biggest advantage of an Ayurvedic treatment method is that it is extremely safe and that there are no side effects. It effectively acts as a detox thus getting rid of the harmful substances from the body along with curing the symptoms. Ayurveda can be effectively used for treating Sciatica and keep the condition from reoccurring.
PREVENTION when taking this treatment:-
Exercise your core muscles — the muscles in your abdomen and lower back that are essential for proper posture and alignment. Maintain proper posture when you sit. Avoid standing for long periods, Find a lifting partner if the object is heavy or awkward.
Age-related changes in the spine, are the most common causes of sciatica.
Obesity causes stress on your spine, Occupation, where you have to twist your back or carry heavy loads or drive a motor vehicle for long periods, might play a role in sciatica, Prolonged sitting, and Diabetes which affects the way your body uses blood sugar increases your risk of nerve damage.
External oil application with medicinal oil and “Bolus” or bundles of fresh and dry hers wrapped in cloth is applied to improve blood circulation, stimulate and strengthen the nerves and reduce the aggravated Vatha Dosha which helps reduce the pain. Usually, the treatment period is 4 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease.
A large proportion of the diet must be carbohydrates, which facilitate proper movement of the bowels, thereby bettering the body’s digestion. Green leafy vegetables should be incorporated into the diet as they provide fiber which improves digestion and elimination of waste. Fruits such as bananas and apples are recommended. Heavy meals must be avoided as they take a long time to digest. This may exert undue pressure on the lower back region.
Ayurvedic Consultation with a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic Doctor is necessary. Ayurveda has a high rate of success in the treatment of Sciatica.
Compression of the spinal nerve due to a ruptured vertebral disc in the spine or 2 faulty postures such as slumping on a chair or sleeping in a curved position or an injury that hurts the lower back region can be triggering causes for sciatic pains.
What are the symptoms of Sciatica Pain?
When we want to know about the meaning of sciatica- it is just pain in the leg. But there are certain conditions which associate with sciatica that we need to know. Here are the basic signs and symptoms of sciatica pain-
~Pain in the lower back.
~Feeling of a stretching rope-like thing in the leg.
~Pain in the hip joint.
~Tingling sensation anywhere in the leg.
~In severe cases burning sensation.
~Weakness and numbness in the lower limb.
~The pain moves in the backside of the leg, which deteriorates while walking, sitting, and standing.
~After standing in place or while a long walk- heaviness in leg and inability to move the leg.
~Shooting pain in the lower limb which disables walking and standing.
~Constant sensation of pain in lower limb even while sleeping.